Témoignage de Barbara (en anglais)


God touched many lives at New Wine évents last summer (2006), but for some people the impact goes on. Barbara Galloway tells her story.

Last year was the first time I had been to an event like Clan Gathering. One day I was listening to a talk, when the speaker felt a need to pray for blindness. Thirthy-eight years before, when I was 13, I had lost the sight in my left eye after an accident. However, because I had lived for so long without seeing in that eye, it didn’t occur to me that I needed healing. A friend made me sure I went forward. At the same time, my husband, Ashley, was at a different seminar, where someone gave a word of knowledge that a person needed Healing in his or her left eye. When I met Ashley later and we shared what we’d heard, he left sure the word was about me.

Later, during the evening worship, I suddenly felt as though I had been hit on the side of the head, although no one had touched me. I had to leave the meeting. When I saw Ashley I told him that something awful had happened. There was too much light. Then I realised I could see with my left eye !
We walked back to our campsite, covering my good eye as I read everything we could find. Back at the tent I was able to read with only my left eye, perfectly. When I told my 28-year old daughter she said, « Mum, it is a miracle, I have to believe now, don’t it? »

Before Clan Gathering, I had received a reminder to go for a routine eye test, so once I got home I made an appointement. I was seen by a lovely optician called Mary. She started to carry out the normal checks, until I told her that I had been blind in my left eye since childhood. Then I told her about my Healing. She got me to do more and more with my left eye. I could read the last paragaph on the test sheet ( the one with the smallest writing). Mary said that my left eye was virtually perfect! She could tell that I was trying to come to terms with it all and said, « We don’t understand why these things happen. Just enjoy your new vision, celebrate and thank God. »

So much has happened since this summer. I have been changed. I feel I’ve grown up a bit. People I previously had difficulté with, I now have compassion for. I can look at their circumstances and understand why they behave the way they do. The Lord has made me realise just how precious we all are to him.
It’s been easy to talk to my friends and family about my Healing and share about the Lord. After I was healed, my daughter was asking more and more questions, so I encouraged her to attend the Alpha course at our Church. She and her Partner did the course together and have both been led to Christ. They are getting married in april because they want to commit themselves to each other in front of God.
My mother-in-law was amazed by my Healing and says it has helped to focus her mind on the reality of Christ. She attented Church for the first time ever when we visited recently. I know that God is getting her attention.

Two years ago a Young woman stayed with us (an ex-drug addict). She had been helped in prison by a group of Christian musicians and needed somewhere to stay while performing with them. In November 2005 she came and stayed again. It was exciting sharing my story with her. During that weekend she also gave her life to Christ. She’s out of prison now but visits regularly to support and counsel others.
God is so good.

March 2006, Newwine magazine 

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